[English] [Chinese]

English Howto

Users can use FTP (FileTransfer Protocol) to access Knowledge Center directly. You can simply use web browser or dedicated FTP client to do it. Using FTP to upload/download is much faster and efficient than before.

    If you want to use web browser (ex: Internet Explorer) to do FTP:
    Advantage: no extra softwares required, easy to learn
  1. Open your web browser and connect to this URL:
    The 4 digit number(xxxx) is different for each group. You can find it in kins login web page.
  2. Keyin your account and password when a window appears.
  3. If account and password matched, you will see KINS Knowledge Center successfully.
  4. Remember to click on the "folder" button on browser to show remote files and local drivers.
  5. Now, you can browse KINS knoelwdge center as what you manage PC files in Windows File Manager.
  6. If you fail between step 3 and 4, and see error message ("An error occured opening that folder on the ftp server. Make sure you have permissions to access that folder..."), to solve the problem, please check your Internet settings by:
    IE menu -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Use Passive FTP(select it)

    If you want to use FTP client (ex: CuteFTP, ffftp, WS_FTP, etc.) to do FTP:
    Advantage: Powerful control over file transfer, profile management
  1. Open your ftp client software (ffftp is highly recommended)
  2. Open the host settings of your ftp client
  3. The host to connect is: ""
  4. The port to use is:2206
    The 4 digit number(xxxx) is different for each group. You can find it in kins login web page. Don't use the default port 21.
  5. Save settings, and connect to KINS FTP server
  6. Keyin your account and password when requested (you may also keyin them in procedure 5 of step 3).
  7. Now, you can browse KINS knoelwdge center as what you manage PC files in your favorite FTP software. (ex: frag/drop, cop/paste)
  8. If you fail in step 7, for example, you connect to server successfully, but always see nothing (I can upload file, but I can't see any file after connected/uploaded?). You should check your software settings, and connect again:

    Some FTP client use "NLST -R" for high-peed recusive file search. However, due to security reason, we cancel this function. Please refer to your FTP client's confguration to turn this option OFF. Use standard "LIST" to replace it.

    If you using FFFTP, you can find this option in: "Host list" -> "Modify" -> "Host setting" -> "Special"

中文使用說明 (Chinese Howto)

使用者可以直接使用FTP (檔案傳輸通訊協定: FileTransfer Protocol)直接存取KINS 知識中心裡面的檔案。你可以透過瀏覽器或專屬的FTP軟體來進行檔案傳輸。

    假如你想透過瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)來進行FTP的話:
  1. 開啟你的瀏覽器,並連到這個URL:
  2. 當出現這個 畫面時,請輸入你在KINS的帳號密碼
  3. 假如帳號密碼正確的話,馬上就可以成功在瀏覽器裡面看到KINS的知識中心
  4. 此時請記得按下瀏覽器的 資料夾按鈕 你就可以同時顯示KINS的檔案,和你電腦上的磁碟機
  5. 現在你可以如同使用你電腦的檔案管理員一樣,存取KINS知識中心裡面的檔案 (例如:使用滑鼠拖拉、複製/貼上)
  6. 假如你在步驟三與步驟四之間看到這樣的 畫面, 請調整瀏覽器的網際網路設定,再重新回到步驟一連線: IE 功能表 -> 工具 -> 網際網路選項 -> 進階 -> 使用被動式FTP (選起來)

    假如你想使用專屬的FTP軟體 (例如: CuteFTP, ffftp, WS_FTP, etc.) 來進行FTP:
  1. 開啟你的FTP軟體 (高度推薦使用ffftp)
  2. 開啟FTP軟體裡面的檔案設定
  3. 把連線的 主機 設定為: ""
  4. 把連線的 port 設定為:2206
  5. 把設定存下來,開始連線
  6. 假如FTP軟體要你輸入帳號密碼,請依照你在KINS的帳號密碼輸入 (你也可以在步驟三的程序五就把帳號密碼打進去)
  7. 現在你可以使用你常用的FTP軟體,存取KINS知識中心裡面的檔案
  8. 假如你在步驟七發生問題,例如明明已經成功連上去了, 而且還可以上傳檔案,但是卻看不到遠端主機上的任何檔案, 此時請檢查你的FTP軟體的設定,以FFFTP為例:

    ffftp使用了一個我們沒有支援的指令,這個指令一般FTP client比較少用, 這次新的server也都沒有支援這個指令,所以得要關閉ffftp的這個選項, 之後就會一切正常了,除了關閉 NLST -R外,記得要勾選 他上面那個 use "list" command to get file list